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Home Unlimited 360° feedback Unlimited 360° feedback What is "unlimited 360° feedback"? "360° feedback" is the term used for performance feedback processes that create a How often should we send out 360° feedback surveys? While you can do them as often as you like, we recommend 2-4 times per year. They How do I give 360° feedback? To complete a 360° survey or view results, simply click the link included in your Are Macorva's 360° ratings anonymous? Yes, Macorva's 360° feedback is fully secure and anonymous. No one will be able t Are employees required to give feedback? No. All feedback is voluntary, and we do not share data on who chose to give feed Where does the list of "suggestions" come from? Macorva EX automatically generates a list of suggested coworkers for employees to Can I give feedback on someone outside my list of suggestions? Yes. If you would like to give feedback on someone who is not in your list of sug Can we customize the feedback attributes? To customize the feedback attributes in your Macorva 36 0 ° survey: Log into your Can we add more questions to the 360° rating? At this time, standard Macorva EX plans do not support additional questions in th Can we add open comments to the 360° rating? At this time, standard Macorva EX plans do not support open comments in the 360° Can we change the rating scale from 1-5 to 1-10? Our research shows a 1-5 scale results in a normal distribution of ratings across What do 360° results look like? As employees provide feedback on their coworkers, Macorva converts all 1-5 employ How can I view my 360° results? You can view your 360° feedback results at any time by logging into Macorva. The Who else can view my 360° results? Your 360° results are viewable to you, your manager, your manager's direct manage Using AI to create custom actions By default, after each survey employees receive individualized Radiant AI suggest Whose results are shown in the "My team" dashboard? Employees who manage 5 or more other employees will have access to additional das Can I create a list of action items/next steps for me or my employees? Yes, Macorva includes collaborative action planning with Radiant AI TM suggestio Can I add action items for all my employees at once? Contact us at if you would like to create a set of action ite Action planning reports Macorva allows you to download various reports with information about action plan Can’t find what you’re looking for? Contact Support