Using AI to create performance documents

Navigate to and log in:

On the homepage, select the employee who you'd like to add notes to by selecting Manager notes

Click on AI creation

The following options will appear:

Below is a brief description of each of these documents:

  • Performance Review: A Performance Review is a comprehensive evaluation of an employee's work performance, including feedback on their strengths and areas for improvement. It provides a summary of the employee's goals, achievements, and contributions, along with concrete recommendations for future growth and development.
  • Feedback Table: A Feedback Table is a user-friendly tool for managers to provide feedback on employee work performance. This table format allows managers to provide specific feedback, the impact level, and recommendations.
  • 1:1 Agenda: A 1:1 Agenda is a tool for managers to structure individual meetings with their employees. This agenda helps managers prepare for conversations and stay on track during the meeting. 
  • OKRs: OKRs (Objectives and Key Results) are a goal-setting framework that aligns business objectives with individual goals. This methodology allows organizations to measure progress towards goals and track the impact of individual contributions on overall company success.
  • SMART Goals: SMART Goals are a goal-setting framework that provides structure and clarity to an employee's work objectives. This acronym stands for Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, and Time-bound, ensuring that goals are well-defined, achievable, and results-driven.
  • Development Plan: A Development Plan is a strategic plan for an employee's professional growth and development. It includes actionable steps to help the employee develop new skills and competencies, identifies training and development opportunities, and aligns individual goals with organizational objectives.
  • 9 Box Analysis: A 9 Box Analysis is a tool used to assess employee performance and potential. This analysis places employees into a 9-box grid based on their current performance and potential for future growth, allowing managers to identify high-potential employees and provide the appropriate resources for further development.
  • Disciplinary Agenda: A Disciplinary Agenda is a tool used to document and track disciplinary actions taken against an employee. This agenda outlines the details of the disciplinary issue, the actions and decisions taken, and the expectations moving forward.
  • PIP: A Performance Improvement Plan (PIP) is a tool used to help employees improve and succeed in their job. This plan outlines specific goals and actionable steps to help employees address areas for improvement identified in their performance evaluation.

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