How to use Filters in Customer Survey Data

Macorva has multiple ways to filter your Customer Experience data. 

These options include:

Filter by Date

Filter by Date

Step 1: In the Customers tab, click the date picker to select dates: Step 2: Sele...

  1. In the Customers tab, click the date picker to select dates:
  1. Select any of the preset dates (Last 7 days, Last 14 days, Last 30 Days, etc) OR select any date range by selecting a start date, followed by an end date
  1. When filtering by date, there is no need to select Apply. As soon as you select the dates, the results will automatically update

Filter by Survey Category & Group

Filter by Survey Category & Group

Step 1: Select the middle drop down arrow to see a list of all survey categories:...

  1. Select the middle drop down arrow to see a list of all survey categories:
  1. Select the survey category you'd like to view data for
  2. Just like the date filter, you do not need to select Apply once you select your category, data will automatically refresh.
  3. To narrow down by a categories group, select the the third drop-down and select appropriate group:

Filtering by survey categories and groups within the categories give you the opportunity to filter data to easily find information you are looking for while maintaining integrity of each individual survey's data.



Filter by NPS, CSAT, Employee Ratings

Filter by NPS, CSAT, Employee Ratings

Using the filter bar, you can select NPS rating, CSAT rating, or Employee rating ...

Using the filter bar, you can select NPS rating, CSAT rating, or Employee rating to filter your data sets. The steps taken for all 3 rating types are the same.

  1. Select Filter
  1. Select “Type” and choose the rating you wish to filter by. 

For “Comparison” select either “Greater than or equal to” or “Less than or equal to”

Enter the value in the final field

Note NPS range is from 0-10 and CSAT/Employee rating range is 1-5

  1. Select Apply to update the filter

Filter by Employee rated

Filter by Employee rated

Step 1: Select “Filter” Step 2: For the type, select “Employee Rated” Step 3: A b...

  1. Select Filter
  1. For the type, select “Employee Rated”
  1. A box will appear to select the Employee, use the drop down to find and select the employee you wish to view results for. 

You may also type characters to search the name of the employee:

  1. Click Apply to filter the data by the criteria entered

Filter by Team Rated

Filter by Team Rated

Step 1: Select “Filter” Step 2: For the type, select “Team Rated” Step 3: A box w...

  1. Select Filter
  1. For the type, select “Team Rated”
  1. A box will appear to select the Manager, use the drop down to find and select the team you wish to view results for.

You may also type characters to search the name of the manager/team you wish to view results for:

  1. Click Apply to filter the data by the criteria entered

Filter by Multiple choice answer

Filter by multiple choice answer

Step 1: Select “Filter” Step 2: For the type, select “Multiple choice answer” Ste...

  1. Select Filter
  1. For the type, select Multiple choice answer
  1. Select the question you'd like to filter by
  1. Select the answer you'd like to filter by
  1. Click Apply to filter the data by the criteria entered

Filter by Free text answer

Filter by Free text answer

Step 1: Select “Filter” Step 2: For the type, select “Free text answer” Step 3: S...

  1. Select Filter
  1. For the type, select “Free text answer”
  1. Select the question you'd like to filter by
  1. Enter the text you are looking for within the answer
  1. Click Apply to filter the data by the criteria entered

Filter by Note contains

Filter by Note contains

This filter allows you to search for words, phrases, numbers, etc contained in th...

This filter allows you to search for words, phrases, numbers, account names, etc contained in the “Notes” field. 

  1. Select Filter
  1. For the type, select “Note contains”
  1. Enter in your search criteria in the “Search text” box
  1. Click Apply to filter the data by the criteria entered

Filter by Customers

Filter by Customers

  1. Select Filter
  1. For the type, select “Customers”
  1. A box will appear to select the Customer, use the drop down to find and select the customer you wish to view results for

You may also type characters to search the name of the Customer you wish to view results for:

  1. Click Apply to filter the data by the criteria entered

Using multiple filters

Using multiple filters

The Macorva Customer Experience platform also allows you to “stack” filters to fu...

The Macorva Customer Experience platform also allows you to “stack” filters to further refine survey data. 

  1. Click Filter
  1. Select the appropriate Type, comparison, and value for your first filter. I will use NPS rating in this example:
  1. Select Add another filter
  1. Repeat Step 2 with your second filter:
  1. Add any other filters you wish by repeating Steps 3-4. Once you are finished, select Apply
  1. Note that the default combination of filters is “AND” 

You can change this to “OR” if you'd like to see results that fit either of the criteria entered

  1. After switching the “Combine with” always select Apply to ensure data is properly refreshed




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