Engagement questions
By default, Macorva measures engagement from employee responses to our 5 Core Engagement questions which analyze key drivers of engagement. These questions are:
- Feeling happy at work
- Being recognized for doing a good job
- Understanding what it takes to be successful at work
- Having the tools needed to be successful at work
- Having opportunities to learn and grow
Users can also elect to include questions of their choice in the engagement calculation. You will want to communicate these changes with your Customer Success Manager.
Engagement calculation
Engagement is calculated as the percent of employees that completed the survey and answered "Agree" on average for the selected drivers.
Examples of an engaged employee are:
- An employee who answers “agree” to all engagement questions
- An employee who answers the first three engagement questions with “agree”, the fourth with “strongly agree” and the fifth with “neutral”
- An employee who answers “agree” to the first four engagement questions and the fifth with "neutral"
A Partially engaged employee will have an average that falls between neutral and agree on the selected drivers
Examples of a partially engaged employee are:
- An employee who answers “neutral” to all engagement questions
- An employee who answers the first two engagement questions with “agree” and the remaining three questions with “neutral”
An actively disengaged employee is someone who completed the survey and answered with an average below neutral on the selected drivers.
Examples of an actively disengaged employee are:
- An employee that answers all engagement questions with “disagree”
- An employee who answers three engagement questions with “disagree” and the other two with “neutral”
The percentage of employees who did not complete the survey added to the percent of employees who fit into each of these three groups will equal 100% of employees who were included in the survey.
Viewing team results
After an engagement survey is closed, managers of 5 or more employees can review their team's engagement via the Org Chart. To review, select the the "Org Chart" tab and select the survey you wish to view results for.

Detailed survey results within your team are available by expanding via the +.
Viewing overall results
Users with permission to "View entire company results" can view detailed and trending data reports. To view, select the “employees” tab.
See the following examples of reports: